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Pamela Ferguson 

I am a native of San Antonio and have lived here most of my life. I am a retired technical writer, a published poet and essayist, and – now – a painter! When I retired, I knew that painting was something I would pursue, and I have been gratified by my welcome into the art community. I have a fascination with clouds and light but I also find that abstracts hold my interest. It’s a new world and one I am having fun exploring!


I love to travel and have done so for most of my life. I have many, many photographs which I use as a basis for my painting. I have a lot to learn, though, and time enough to do so. I have worked with hand-built ceramics and especially love working with wire and glass. One day perhaps I’ll get into metal-working also. A late bloomer in more ways than one, I received my BA in English from the University of Texas at San Antonio at the age of 48 and included a semester abroad at Keele University in England in my college sojourn. I currently live with my two dogs in an old house and considers myself fortunate and happy. 




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